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We install and maintain freshwater and saltwater fish tanks, as well as ponds for both homes and businesses. Our goal is to build all tanks and ponds as natural as possible. To create a natural environment, we recommend freshwater planted tanks or rocky tanks. For saltwater fish tanks, we build both fish only and coral reef tanks but always welcome the opportunity to build tanks with artificial plants or artificial corals - we will always tailor the design of the aquarium to your vision. Ponds are built with impermeable plastic or pond liner, a filter system, and natural plants and rocks.


If we don’t have the aquatic species you’re looking for, we are more than happy to take orders and find the item that you need. For our maintenance services and fish price list, please request a quote with your tank size and needs through our contact page. 

Accessories for fish tanks are available in different sizes and brands which are safe for fish and plants. Accessories include but are not limited to fish tanks, stands, pumps, air pumps, power heads, heaters, media reactors, skimmers, sumps, automatic dosers, grow lights for plants and corals, different kinds of food, and more.


We have a wide selection of freshwater and saltwater fish, corals and more invertebrates, and plants such as:

Fresh Water Fish

Fresh Water Fish

Angels, Barbs, Bettas, Catfish, Corys, Discus, Gouramies, Loaches, Neons and other Tetras, Plecos, South American and African cichlids, Guppies, Mollies, Platies, Swordtail, Koi Carp, Goldfish and more.




Fresh Water Plants

Anubias, Bacopa or Moneywort, Cabomba, Cardinal plant, Dwarf baby tears, Ferns, Golden Nesea, Hairhrass, Hornworts, Lilys, Lotus, Ludwigia, Moss, Repens, Rotala, Swords, Vallisneria, Water Sprite, Waterweeds, Wisteria and more.

Salt Water Fish

Salt Water Fish

Angels, Bass, Blennies, Cardinalfish, Chromis, Clownfish, Damselfish, Eels, Gobies, Mandarinfish, Pufferfish, Tangs, Wrasses and more.





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Clams, Crabs, Shrimps, Snails.





Anemones,Bubbles, Flower pots, Lobo, Mushrooms, Torches, Zoanthids and more.

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