Here at Cichlid Aquatics, we have 23 years of experience with building and maintaining aquariums of all types and sizes. Our passion for underwater creatures started in childhood and never stopped.
We serve clients from Poughkeepsie, NY to Saratoga Springs, NY, and Great Barrington, MA to Woodstock, NY.
We also ship fish, corals, plants, and invertebrates nation-wide.
In 2002, we successfully and humanely bred our first freshwater Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare, Family: Cichlidae). Since then, we have been successfully breeding Betta fish, Severum cichlids, Yellow labs, Guppies, Mollies, Platies and Swords. Most of our freshwater and saltwater fish are bred in captivity.
If they are wild caught, we ensure that they are not on the red list as vulnerable or endangered species from the International Union for Conservation of Nature (UICN). We provide our customers with important information about fish behavior and appropriate sizes for their specific tank. Additionally, we recommend different types of community aquariums with fish that are compatible to create a safe and enjoyable environment in the tank.